PIT BARREL COOKER 15″ Stainless Steel Vertical Skewers (2x)
The Pit Barrel Basket Hanger is really an all-purpose/catch-all basket for those items that are tough to hook, skewer, barbecue, or grill. The small weave of the basket means that items that are too small to grill can still get that signature Pit Barrel flavor
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Adding the PBC Vertical Hanging Skewers to your repertoire is not just a method, but a styleof cooking that brings yet another dimension to the Pit Barrel experience.
Mix and Match like never before – Vegetables, “Baked” Potatoes, Chicken Breasts, Medallions of Pork or Beef, Carne Asada – open up a whole new endless world of possibilities with our quality stainless steel skewers made to easily hang from your existing hooks.
10″? 15″? Why choose??? Pick up both stainless steel kabob skewers and save with the PBC